Excursion of the “Thüringer Braugersten Verein e.V.“
A group of 10 members of the Association met for two days in Hamburg.
They started the first evening with a beer tasting and food pairing at Braumarkt Hamburg, which was very professionally and originally led by Matthias Mitteregger (many thanks for that!). Six different beers were tasted and the history of the different beers was explained. Our Grainli® Managing Director Dr. Alexander Rosenberger & Braumarkt Managing Director Brian Schlede, attended both days and had a great time.
On the second day, a harbour tour in a typical Hamburg barge was on the agenda. The weather was fine and they were able to learn a lot about the importance of the harbour. Finally, there was a guided tour of the “Erfurter Malzwerke GmbH”, where the group was able to observe the unloading of a ship that had stored corn.

All in all, it was a great event!